To keep your leather bags looking their best, please follow the suggested steps below.
It's a good idea to protect all leather bags before use. A good protector should also be applied regularly to help resist the effects of daily soiling. A leather protector can be used on most leather and suede bags and wallets. Remember to cover any embellishments such as metal and beading when spraying the protector.
Most leather can be cleaned but it is important to find the correct cleaner for your leather bag. Always test it first and remember to protect your bag again after cleaning.
Leather conditioners/gels are only meant for occasional use. They contain fats or oils that help to lubricate the leather and replenish the suppleness. Please test a conditioner first on an inconspicuous part of the leather before applying.
Polishing is a great way to remove fingerprints and dust from your leather bags, particularly high shine leathers such as patent.
We recommend storing your leather bags in a cover bag when not in use. Never store any leather items in plastic as they cannot breathe and always store them in a cool, dry place away from heat.